Bluffton Youth Theatre
Okatie, SC 29909
Maps & DirectionsFor more than 10 years the Ford Family has had a dream to open their own unique youth theater where they can teach and inspire youth with a full range of talents and challenges to thrive. Since 2015 BYT has engaged over 1,000 young adults in 26 productions that have built strong theater skills and delighted local audiences. Each cast is a unique blend of students, many with special needs, who become a caring community of players both on and off stage.
The BYT is nearing completion of their new home in Moss Creek Village with a Grand Open House scheduled for August 10,2025. But tragedy has struck. A construction related FUNDING CRISIS has put a hold on finishing the theater. Without more revenue the BYT will have to close its doors just before they open. The Ford Family, their many dedicated students and parents, and their loyal BYT patrons are devastated by the potential loss of the theater and their dream. BYT needs your help NOW to keep serving the community and providing a safe- haven for students with talent and many challenges. Seven performances, including three summer camp sessions, are at risk of being cancelled.
For all the kindhearted angels out there, we implore you to do whatever you can to help us keep their doors open and continue to serve our greater Bluffton and Hilton Head youth through the theater arts. Every gift is a blessing.