2023 SC Special Olympics North America Pickleball Championship
- 5:00 PM
Location: Palmetto Dunes Tennis & Pickleball Center 6 Trent Jones Ln, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Maps & DirectionsContact organizers for additional details about event times.
Hosted by: Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center
Palmetto Dunes Pickleball Center will be hosting the 2023 South Carolina Special Olympics Pickleball Championship, happening this October 12 - 14. Volunteers will be needed for each day, such as ball persons, lunch helpers, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Bill or Valerie Brown at bbnationals88@gmail.com or call 989-390-5868.
Follow our Palmetto Dunes Pickleball Facebook Group for more announcements and information on the upcoming event.

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